Weekly Women Wednesday Vol. XLVI - Monica Martin


Monica Martin is one of those artists that you can feel her heart in her work. Her pain, her fear, her joy, her anger. Her voice and narratives bring her songs alive, telling her stories and experiences, no matter how vulnerable. One track in particular, ‘Cruel’, has a clean and simplistic beat that carries you through a tale of misunderstanding and trife in a relationship. I find myself humming this song for hours on end, as it is the type of song that you can leave on repeat and never feel exhausted. 


Monica’s most recent single, ‘Patient’, overflows with soul and heartache. Knowing that it is impossible to fully love someone without reserving some of your energy for yourself, Martin sings about “walking through the space between the one you want and the one you need”. Learning that balance in order to achieve healthy relationships with those around you, and with yourself, is a challenge that almost everyone struggles with, and may be forever ongoing. ‘Patient’ is a beautiful cautionary tale that makes your heart sink to your stomach, but also provides a glimmer of hope to encourage learning. In Monica’s artist bio, she writes, “I made hundreds of mistakes so you don’t have to”.


Make sure to keep up with Monica on Instagram & Twitter, and stream her latest release 'Patient' here.


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