Weekly Women Wednesday Vol. V - Meg Mac


Australian native Meg Mac has been carrying her listeners through narratives of soul searching and heart break since 2015, with her debut single ‘Roll Up Your Sleeves’, her voice soulful and hazy like smoke off a bonfire. With two studio albums and couple stand alone singles, Mac has proved that she knows her way around the music scene with expertise and grace. Falling beautifully somewhere between the pop and soul genres with flares of blues, there is nothing not to love about her. Sophomore album ‘Low Blows’ hit the scene July of 2017 and is an absolute masterpiece from cover to cover, with everything from the self love anthem ‘Don’t Need Permission’ which praising the act of being un apologetically yourself, to the vulnerable and confessional track ‘Shiny Bright’. Meg’s newest single ‘Give Me My Name Back’ gives a taste of the bitter feelings of losing yourself, and the fight to regain the spark that was lost, clawing towards the flame. Make sure to stream Meg Mac forever and always, on every sleepless night when your thoughts are racing, or when you need a soul recharge to get you back on your feet.


Catch Meg Mac in a city near you on her upcoming tour, and check her out Twitter and Instagram.

Stream ‘Give Me My Name Back’ here.


Weekly Women Wednesday Vol. XI - Emily Blue


Weekly Women Wednesday Vol. IV - Joy Oladokun